
Polish Your Professional Profile: 5 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your CV

Spring cleaning your CV is a great way to ensure your CV is up to date with your current career goals and is appealing to employers. Here is some of our tips on how you can do this for yourself.

Tidy the content on the CV It is useful to remove all of the outdated and irrelevant information that no longer supports your career goals from your CV. You can group less relevant roles together in an additional experience section to save space and showcase these roles.

Smarten up the layout of the CV Tidy up your contact details by condensing multiple lines into a more concise format. It is also useful to make sure that the font and text on your CV is easily readable on a screen. When beginning your CV start it with a brief introductory section that showcases your key strengths and qualifications effectively, this will serve as a quick snapshot to show employers what you bring to the table.

Evaluate and update Review your job responsibilities and achievements and make sure they reflect your true value to employers. Quantify results using numbers and facts to demonstrate your strengths for example “our team achieved a project success rate of 90%”. You can also add your current job role with a brief paragraph detailing your current responsibilities.

Tailor to the job your applying for Tailor your CV for each specific application. Match your skills and experience to the job description. Highlight relevant skills and qualifications that aligns with the employers requirements.

Proofread and align Check for any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and unnecessary repetition. You should also remember to Align your CV with your LinkedIn profile to maintain consistency.

Remember your CV is a carefully worded summary, so keep it concise, relevant, and impactful!

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