Staying at home, social distancing, and self-isolating is crucial in stopping the spread of the Coronavirus, but this can have an impact on our mental wellbeing. Here are some tips to help you look after your mental health whilst in lockdown
Maintain a routine
Aim to wake up and go to bed at approximately the same time every day. Sleeping too much or too little will affect your mental wellbeing. It might be useful to write 3 things you want to achieve the next day, this will give your days some structure.
Stay connected
Keep in touch with your friends and family. Try to create a digital version of your social activities. Schedule a breakfast video call with your family, or evening drinks over Skype or a quiz night with your friends. Being able to see your loved ones face to face will increase your sense of community and genuine connection.
Practice self-care
Looking after yourself is essential for your mental health. It can be easy to fall into bad habits especially in times like this, even simple tasks such as washing your face can seem difficult at times. But they can make a massive difference in how we you feel. Take 10 minutes out of your day to do something for yourself and something that makes you feel good.
Exercise if you can
Its easier said than done, especially when you’re feeling low, but exercising can significantly boost your mood. YouTube is a great resource for at-home exercise videos and if videos aren’t your thing, Darabee has loads of great workouts as well. If you’re short of space doing a bit of stretching is also great.
Be kind to yourself
If you wake up feeling like not doing anything, that is okay too. Don’t pressure or push yourself to do too much. It can be easy to feel the pressure, especially when you see other people posting their accomplishments during the lockdown. But try to focus on yourself and not compare yourself to others. Relax and remind yourself that what you’re doing is enough. Focus on positive things and just be kind to yourself.